
This post is referring to the finals of the Interface Design class. Every group did a wonderful job doing their pitch, presenting their Apps. Here a glance of what happened in the finals.


The presentation can have the best user experience that the onboarding where can help to understand the product, so in this way it can to improve the App. The beautiful part of this app is the use of the camera because of looks like Instagram. This is a good reason how to use the camera and apply the use the typeface.

BR Help!

Help to users to find a clean bathroom with a TP. When people need to find the bathroom they can use the app. One of the big feedback was that this app can incentive business to use the app, so can bring more clientele to them.


This app is for college students that suffer mental health. For the reason, this app can help to improve their lives. Social media can be greatly connected to Instagram. the journal aspect needs to work more. The way that the app can work help to people to communicate messenger Chat. A good feature.

Also, this app can be a good opportunity for people are down because this could be something that helps people that with depress problems.

Serif Sheriff

App to detect fonts anywhere. The app works with Adobe. This app works with a library where the users can save the typefaces in their phone. The app has to lovable and connects with new fonts.


Fitness app, this app for people that they want the app mark on their bodies. Use Instagram to make profits.


Parking App for Savannah, this go overnight and started to with 30 minutes sessions. Excelente idea for a city like Savannah.


An excellent idea to walk puppies around the city. Also, this app function of this app is similar to Facebook.  The only change that this group has to do is the map has to change so the experience can be better.


This app is excellent to create a community where the users can share the books. Also, this app will help the users to connect with new young writers.


This app can help young people to find their new adventures all over the world. The big feedback that this group have to improve is the onboarding of the app.


Mission Statement

This class was amazing because every group talks their App. The professor encourages everyone to work hard and find out that the App that is designed in class will success in the final presentation. Also, in this class, every student can have the chance to collect feedback from their classmate.

The class was really motivational because the professor showed some videos where the students can learn how to present their project in a way that no one gets bored. For this reason, it is important in presentations show everything in a way the audience get enchanted.

In the second part of the class, every group work in the different platform such Sketch App, Marvel, and Even more, students have improved their skills in this software. However, I think that school should be buying these software, so students can use them for free.



Work Day

Today students are working very hard to finalized their APP. They are prototyping, testing, and create new layouts when the App need to change. Also, students are managing Sketch App,, and Marvel to provide to the Apps realism. Every class students are showing progress on their Apps, logos, colors, layouts, and dynamism.



Also, here are some websites that can provide more information in how the visual elements of the App can help the users to understand the functions.

Facebook Design Principles

IBM Research

Google Design


UX Magazine



User Testing

User Testing:

What is the goal of the user testing? It is being user specific. Found the patterns and gap that will help the designers to improve the App. Also, in this point, students need to know what/how the App can be successful. For this reason, every student has to do this separately in this way everyone can be on the same page.

In addition, the groups have known their competitions very well. It is part of the research that every group needs to go and see what the competitions do it. Also, a good resource, read the complaints of the users against the competition will bring new ideas to improve the App. Checking what the competitions are doing it or what they are don’t do it, in this way the product can test it. For this reason, the opportunity to test the product have to be with tentative/real users.

Today we have the visit of Ariana Nicoley from Google. Every group has the chance to meet with her. She gave to the group good feedbacks related to their projects,


Check the videos from this class





Second Pitch

Second Pitch

Every group in this class gave the second pitch. Their pitch was related to their product and how they are dealing with their ideas. At this moment, every classmate gave their feedbacks. Some groups had problems with the wireframe, some had problems with the journey of the persona, and some group had problems with the final design of the App. This class was really uplifting to everyone so the can improve their final project.

Also, the most group are using and Marvel to prototype their work.  For now, every student is working hard reach the final product.



Brand Voice/

Brand voice is the purposeful, consistent expression of a brand through words and prose styles that engage and motivate. It’s true: The personality of your brand is determined, in large measure, by the words you use and the sentences you write. So let’s get started creating an authentic voice for your brand. Colors palettes are part of the brand voice because it can convey the users and clients.

Here a good example of how to use brand voice and UX. has expanded to allow users to prototype apps for anything with a screen interface, utilizes a drag and drop user interface (UI) and does not require coding.  Also, you can sync Sketch App with, every artboard can be imported as an individual screen, preserve layers and group and updated assets so the interaction and animations. More sources you can find in the “RESOURCES TAP”.




Investors Plan

This class is based on how to work with and  Investor Plan for a new company.  This new task is part of the new project. Every group has to add a plan. This plan consists of mission statement target market, marketing, and promotion, distribution and promotion, cost, goals, competitions, and so on. For this reason, every group at the end of the quarter will bring a page with this requirements. This part of the project makes realize to the students that this project can be real (out of the classroom).

Another part of the process on this part it is the interaction of the app. We took as an example Don Norman and the “Norman Door”. It is important to think that we are designing for people and not for us. We have to think about what is our goal as a company to help our audience to understands the onboarding of the final outcome. This video is an approach of what Don Norman can teach us about the human center design.

“The Design of Every Things” by Don Norman, ready to download.





Working Day/Prototyping/Sketch Party

Today, student work in class with theses software Sketch, Marvel, Adobe XD, Illustrator, and Photoshop. So, they can apply these new skills to the final presentation. In most groups divided responsibilities. some students worked in the design the interface and other worked in the interaction of the new app. Every group improved their app according to the past class.

Also, in this class students were able to learn and apply new software such as Sketch and Marvel with different types of extensions such GIF Students have the opportunity to put into practice this new skill.


Class 6

Interface is a process is divided in 5 processes of what we need to bring on the table


Plan the solution and look the project as a big picture. Understand the problem of the digital platform. Think in how we explain new ideas? and fix the translation of the analog to digital


This will define the features and functions of the new interface. For this reason, it is important to answer this kind of questions. What you are building? For who are you building for? In this section is time to rethink and simplify the final outcome.


Information on the architecture. Search how to apply this in something different. Build a system and think how the scope will work. In this part, the designers have to think and define the structure of the content.


Putting together icons. Place what you are thinking about. This based is related to the grid. Wireframing is part of this process.


Improve the interface of the app according to the suggestions (presentation in class).


Go to Geek-end Conference

Try the App Speel Tower Game

EXPECTICION: Presentation on Monday.