Research Day!!

According to the last class, students create new ideas to start with the last APP design of the quarter. Every group had to research during the weekend so they can have a support and new ideas to start to work. There are 5 groups in the morning.

2 groups will design an app that can help users to discover typefaces.

1 group will design an app related to bathrooms. This app will help users to find a bathroom when they need.

1 group will design an app related to fitness. Only for people who wants to be healthy.

1 group will design an app related to mental health.

Part 1

In this class, students have to need to solve and discover the main goal of the app. For this, students have to create questions that it will be in surveys so they can collect data related to final outcome. In this part of the project, every group has to found out competitions, pro, and cons. And how their app can difference between others apps that have the same purpose.

Work, work, work

Today is WORKING DAY, what means everyone is working hard in their APP. So, they can present and outstanding presentation next class. The importance of this day is refined the final app. Some groups were searching for the right colors and typefaces for the final outcome.

Final Project

Professor Armstrong presented the Final Project App Design. For this project, students have to define an idea, create and app, look for competition that the app will have. Next class students will discuss their idea.



Working Day/Prototyping/Sketch Party

Today, student work in class with theses software Sketch, Marvel, Adobe XD, Illustrator, and Photoshop. So, they can apply these new skills to the final presentation. In most groups divided responsibilities. some students worked in the design the interface and other worked in the interaction of the new app. Every group improved their app according to the past class.

Also, in this class students were able to learn and apply new software such as Sketch and Marvel with different types of extensions such GIF Students have the opportunity to put into practice this new skill.




Students had the first pitch in class. In this moment of the class, students showed how and why the want to do this game. They used 3 personas as references, they include qualities and quantities factors. In this presentation, students were able to explain the games in a way that everyone in the class can understand the onboarding of the game.

These are some suggestions according to the professor.

Important: Put income level as a part of the story of the personas.

These are the name of the analogs games groups. Also, this is the feedback according to the professor.

Dirty Minds

The problem with the process of how to play the game.

Add-On boarding of the game it is important to bring it to the game

Please fix the structure of the game with the wireframe. Think about how to generate a new idea for the game.

Never Have I ever

The Biggest Problems it has some many rules. Also, it is really hard to contain a full hand of cards.

Challenges: Add colors in the cards and make these colors to make a contrast.


 Add the explanation in the overview. Add the one page miss it.


Testing the wireframe with your friends or roommate because it is a 3D prototype.

Second group

Exploding Kitten

Good wireframe, but test the game and make the button bigger.


Test the game has to test it with another user


Explain the game quickly. Keep the landscape for the interface it makes more sense that way.

Uno Attack

Personas that you know

Challenge for every group

They have to test it the game with their friends. 

Class 6

Interface is a process is divided in 5 processes of what we need to bring on the table


Plan the solution and look the project as a big picture. Understand the problem of the digital platform. Think in how we explain new ideas? and fix the translation of the analog to digital


This will define the features and functions of the new interface. For this reason, it is important to answer this kind of questions. What you are building? For who are you building for? In this section is time to rethink and simplify the final outcome.


Information on the architecture. Search how to apply this in something different. Build a system and think how the scope will work. In this part, the designers have to think and define the structure of the content.


Putting together icons. Place what you are thinking about. This based is related to the grid. Wireframing is part of this process.


Improve the interface of the app according to the suggestions (presentation in class).


Go to Geek-end Conference

Try the App Speel Tower Game

EXPECTICION: Presentation on Monday.