W3: Day Five | Oct 2

Groups came together to discuss their findings for Exercise Two – testing out their board games by playing it themselves, and observing others playing their board games. Our groups for this exercise are:

Group One: Silly Street
Group Two: Settlers of Catan
Group Three: What do you Meme?
Group Four: Monopoly
Group Five: Dodj or Daar

Professor Bethany presented a lecture on the five planes of user experience and we learned the importance of all the layers that go into building an interface — strategy, scope, structure, skeleton, and finally the surface, which is usually the visual aspect we’re all most familiar with.

We went through a worksheet on how to build persona documents through observations and interviews, as a study in ethnography. Ideo is a leading organisation in ethnographic study, and they have great personal building tools for researchers.

The remainder of the class was spent in groups answering dissecting their games as Part Two (strategy and scope phases) for the exercise.