This class is focusing on how to play the game but essentially in how to gather the information of the game. This is the methodology and the steps that students followed.

Part 1: Game day number 2

Students have to gather the information of what the experiences they have played the game. Also, they have to think about the emotions and feeling that game brings when users are playing. After that student play, the have to exchange games wth other classmates, take notes, and play again. Observing people playing the game and take notes.

The principal strategy of this process is write everything down answering the question what? how? why?

Part 2: The purpose of this class: understand experiences from other people.

In this part, students have to understand the users according to the quality of data in part 1. Moreover, this data can be applied to research n this way students can bring their experience to improve the game.

Part 3: Wireframing over the weekend.

Bring and build the idea over the table. The importance of think about the interactions and how to translate them. Search for the emotions that game brings.


Observing people playing the game.

You don’t have to change the design? But If you might want to update it.

Research into the brand and there are things that you want to bring back, it is ok.

Strategy and scope this weekend. Monday, we are going to ready to draw.

Take a quick glance of the last presentation updates.

Translate this to digital and similar game plan and

Do the research, do strategy, play, and research

Strategy physical and incorporate into your app. Physical card has a component that is user testing.

Check sketch pads, Pop app, and Marvel.

Check Mona Patel Lecture